DIY Christmas Gift | Gingerbread Yoga Mat Cleaner

All you need is a few simple ingredients to make this recipe.

You can either prepare this and gift it as a spray bottle or as a DIY present to be prepared by the recipient.

Recipe below:

*for a 50 ml bottle*:

-1 tbsp witch hazel or white vinegar

-4 tbsp water

-2 drops tea tree oil**

-1 drop clove oil

-1 drop cinnamon oil

-2 drops ginger oil

**You can substitute tea tree oil for any other essential oil with antibacterial properties like eucalyptus oil or lavandar oil or add a mix of both.

This yoga mat cleaner is suitable for all yoga mats if prepared with witch hazel, however, if prepared with white vinegar, please check if you can use it on your yoga mat depending on the brand that you have.


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